Sunday, March 30, 2008

Level 2 Support

Today, I trailered Cowboy and Z to Tammy's to help her, Chuck and Jen work on some level 2 things. We did 3 hours with a short trail ride after. We worked on 7 games with an obstacle, backing over a pole on line, moving the fore. We also played find your owner and I was surprised that Z left me right away. She was drawn by Ruby. After she came back to me, she didn't leave again. However, it was surprising that she left at all. Jen made great progress with Lynx's draw and Tammy with Ruby. Everyone made some positive changes and I was pleased and happy for them all. We worked on moving one foot at a time over an obstacle, as well.

When we mounted, we worked on moving sideways over a pole, yo-yo over a pole, snappy departs and transitions. We never did any Liberty, though. That was my plan, but my plan usually falls apart. Too many things come up that aren't working and we need to fix. Ruby backed over an obstacle today which is something Tammy's been working on and not getting. Chuck cantered on Little Foot and started to ride the canter with some harmony.

I enjoyed the hell out of myself today. Z was great and gave me whatever I needed most of the day. Fantastic!

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