Sunday, March 16, 2008

Z and 2 eyes

I've been noticing more that Z doesn't look at me with 2 eyes sometimes when I'm asking for yo-yo, backing or other ground tasks. Yesterday, after D and I got back from Hidden Mesa, I spent a little time with Z in the round pen. We worked on Liberty cantering and transitions at Liberty. We've got that down fairly well. We practiced coming in with confidence and giving me 2 eyes. I continued to draw backward until she gave me 2 eyes and happy ears. We did that a few times then switched to developing the bow some more. I pushed too far one of the times, but for the most part she's cooperative and getting lower each time.

Today, I played with her a little in the barn aisle after spending the day at the Horse Expo. Some conversation with Teri Sprague about her RBI behavior, I decided to try a few things before calling it a day. We just did some yo-yo game and each time she came to me with 2 eyes, she got a treat. That worked wonders. Bizarre - am I reading RBI behavior when it's really LBI? Does she switch so often that I have to get better at watching for it?

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