Friday, July 31, 2009

Playing with Z

Had a great session today with Z, playing at Liberty, then some tricks, then finesse, then some freestyle, then back to tricks. The wind was blowing so no mosquitoes most of the time and lots of exhuberance and try from Miss Z.

We're working on backwards on the circle and that's going well. We pushed the ball around some and then practiced change of direction and transitions on a smaller circle (on the 12) from walk to canter and down again. We cleaned up sideways towards and then practiced spanish walk. She loves spanish walk!!

We then headed into the arena for some follow the rail and circles, working on bending her and suppling her hind end. I'm looking for her to cross over the hind legs while still moving forward and she's getting better. Our circles were ok, but she got out of balance at the canter very often and dropped to trot. I wonder if my circle was too small. I would then leg yield and ask her up to canter again. She was happy to transition up, but just couldn't manage to stay in a package in the canter.

Then, after I found a good place to quit, we were going to hit the trail together. However, as we entered the front pasture, I realized the breeze was dying and the bugs were coming out. When she starts shaking her head to avoid bugs, it's so hard to get her to focus. So, we just did some walking up and down hills in the front pasture for 5-10 mins and went to the barn for bug spray.

Finally, I practiced more spanish walk from her back (very cool!) and then into the round pen to practice bowing. She's coming all the way down at the bow and even holding it there quite nicely. Now that she's comfortable doing that, I'm going to move a subtle cue into the mix and transfer the bow to the subtle cue.

Funny thing... we finished up and decided to pull a few weeds while she hung out with me in the round pen. She was perfectly happy while I asking her for participation and engagement, but once I turned my back to do something else she got scared and felt she needed the comfort of the herd. They were completely out of sight and she called to them. It was an interesting thing to see that when I stopped "holding her hand", she did not have the confidence to manage it. She needs the herd for confidence. I may start putting her in a stall/run at night sometimes to help her feel more confidence in herself. I can't imagine how bad she'd be w/o Parelli - I know all her behaviors are very mild because of this program. Maybe I just need more UDT with her away from the herd.

Really good night.

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